Rapid Weight Loss

Rapid Weight Loss
Rapid Weight Loss


How to reduce weight for the Four kinds of blood group:

How to reduce weight for the Four kinds of blood group:
Different blood group of people would have different weight loss method and follows different weight loss principles. The "lectin" proteins contains in the food would have different metabolism on different blood group. "lectin" proteins can speed up the matabolism and get Rapid Weight Loss in different degree.
Blood Group A: The Blood Group A people has less gastric acid secretion than other people, so they has lower ability to digest the meat. If they eat large amount of meat and indigestion, it is easy to get fat accumulation inside the body and resulting in obesity. So if the Blood Group A people wants to be slender, they should keep vegetarian and eat less beef and mutton or other kinds of meat. Add the tofu, grains and other vegetable protein into the slimming diets to supplement the lack of protein in the body.

Blood Group B: These groups of people has a strong body and strong immune system. It also has strong resistance to many diseases such as heart disease and cancer. The Blood Group B has a good digestion, they can digest a variety of delicious food, whether meat or vegetables, almost anything they eat. But there are also some delicious they can not eat, such as tomatoes, corn, chicken, and most of the nuts and its seeds. The "lectin" proteins contains inside these food would stop the metabolism. So B blood type people want to keep slender and get Rapid Weight Loss, they should take less food for each meal and take more than 5 meals per day and avoid overeating.
Blood Group AB: AB blood type is the latest blood type, which is A and B mixed type blood. Type AB blood constitution has a complex and contradictory qualities. This blood type can adaptable for changes in diet and environment. The Blood Group AB can adapt the animal protein and also the herbal plant protein, but these people's digestive system is more sensitive and easy to gain weight. Basically speaking, all the items that the Blood Group A and Blood Group B can not eat, the Blood Group AB people also can not eat. If the AB blood type people want to get Rapid Weight Loss, they shall comply with the principle of a balanced diet, and take tofu, eggs, fresh vegetables and fruits.
Blood Group O: Contain more acid, so the O blood type has a strong organs, with the immune system to respond to food surplus. Most indispensable in such blood type is animal protein, such as meat and fish. So if these people want to reduce weight, they should eat more lean meat but less fat. Blood type O can not digest dairy products, beans, pasta and cereal. The people of O blood type is best to avoid taking rice for dinner, usually should drink less milk, but should take some amount of calcium to supplement the shortage of body calcium. Usually pay attention to a balanced intake of fruits and vegetables and other foods in order to maintain the acid-base balance in the body.

