The different price on the same weight loss product will make the buyers puzzled. The price for the Meizitang would be different from 50USD-5USD. Many clients are also worried that they would get a fake product on the low price. Here we will explain why there will be so many different prices and how to find the Cheapest website to buy Meizitang. There are 2 big Meizitang manufacturers in China: one is in Guangzhou and the other one is from Yunnan. Here all the Meizitang we supply is originated from Yunnan.

Different price:
The Authentic Meizitang Soft Gel and Meizitang Strong Version is produced a GMP Certificate factory. And there are also different agents to sell the Meizitang. Different agents would have different price depends on the shipping cost. And the agents would send the product to the distributers and other wholesalers. In order to make profit, the distributers and wholesaler would also add some price on it. So the price for different seller would be different from 50-5USD. And there are also annother difference is that some of price is free shipping and some need to add extra shipping fee. The normal Price for the Meizitang will be around 5USD-12USD, not including shipping. The UPS shipping cost for 1 box of Meizitang is around 17USD. So you can see what kind of price would be normal. It will also be easy to compare the fake and the original ones from the price. As a big wholesaler of the Meizitang in China, we get all the products directly from the factory, so our parice would be better than others.
Cheap and herbal Meizitang:
The original Meizitang soft gels are together with a silver label on the bottles to show it is 100% authentic. You can also check the liquid inside the gels shell. The original prouct would get very thick liquid and the color is pure with a smelly of herbal plants. Please come to our website: You can get the wholesale price even you are buying 1 pack. We also supply the best wholesale price and free shipping if you can order more than 40 boxes. You can also order some sample to try first before you plance the wholesale order. If you find the product we sent is not original ones, you can ask a refund soon!