Rapid Weight Loss

Rapid Weight Loss
Rapid Weight Loss


How to Lose Weight Fast

How to Lose Weight Fast:
Different season should have different way to lose weight and we can not stop our step on reducing weight. The autumn and winter is coming, and it is the best season to getting fat. So we should try something new to lose weight fast. The users should choose the right food to eat, choose the right time to eat, and also choose the suitable daily sports.
How to choose the right food 
As we all know that a normal diet plan would focus on the food you eat more, but only the amount you eat. Especially in winter, we need to take more high caloires and hot food to keep warm. Aim for fare that's high in protein, rich in fiber and has a low glycemic index, since high-GI foods (like bread, potatoes and rice) are likely to make your blood sugar spike, then crash. The Fast Diet doesn't recommend boycotting carbs entirely or living permanently on a high-protein diet. But the combination of proteins and low-GI foods on a fast day are helpful weapons in keeping hunger at bay. 

When to fast, when to feast 
For the traditional diet plan, we should know that we shouldnot eat too much for each meal and do not eat after 10:00 PM before going to bed. However, it is really hard to insist on. We need some gifts for our diet plan and we should know when to fast and when to feast. Monday is an obvious choice for a fast day, particularly if it follows a social weekend. For that reason you might avoid Saturdays and Sundays, when family lunches and brunches, dinner dates and parties make calorie-cutting a chore. Thursday would then make a sensible second fasting day. But be flexible; don't force yourself to fast when it feels wrong. On the fast day, we should reduce the high calories intake and on the feast day, you should force yourself to do more exercises. If you cut to 500 calories two days a week and don't compensate by eating more on other days, you should lose 1 to 2 pounds a week. 
Some Suitable sports:
Winter is not suitable for the outdoor sports, so we should choose the suitable one for all seasons. Your intrest is the first thing we should concern while choosing the sports. Make a timetable and insist on it.

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