Rapid Weight Loss

Rapid Weight Loss
Rapid Weight Loss


Fruta Planta VS Pink Fruta Planta

Fruta Planta VS Pink Fruta Planta:

The Pink Fruta Planta is the new version product for the Fruta Planta in 2011. Both of the product are from the same GMP Certificated factory and also has similar effect on weight loss. What is the difference between the Fruta Planta and the Pink Fruta Planta? Which one works better? This are the most common questions for the clients! Here we will explain the difference between the Fruta Planta and the Pink Fruta Planta to you!
1. Same weight loss effect but different target groups:
Both the Green and Pink Fruta Planta are Rapid Weight Loss Capsules which can make the users reduce 10-20 pounds in a month. The difference is that the Green Fruta Planta will be suitable for thoes users who get overweight for around 20 pounds and the Pink Fruta Planta will be suitbale for thoes who get more than 30 pounds overweight. The Pink Fruta Planta will also be more suitable for thoes who has got rebound for many times. Green Fruta Planta will be suitable for thoes who can not control their appetite and lack of exercises.
2. Same taking method but different effect:
Both the Green and the pink Fruta Planta should be take 1 capsule per day in the morning before or after breakfast. The Green Fruta Planta will make the users reduce appetite and reduce the high calories intake. The Pink Fruta Planta will also reduce appetite, and also speed up the metabolism. You can reach a weight loss effect fast after taking the Pink Fruta Planta. Green Fruta Planta will also effective in around 5-7 days.

3. Different packing but same quality and from the same factory:
Both Pink Fruta Planta and Green Fruta Planta are from the same GMP Certificated factory with the same quality. The Pink Fruta Planta are the new version. The factory just want to change a new packing and also update the formular to reduce the copy ones in the market. Compared with the old Green box Fruta Planta, the new pink packing are not easily to be copied. The boxes are attached with laser security labels.

4. Pink Fruta Planta are made of same ingredients but better formular:

Pink Fruta Planta and Green Fruta Planta are made of the same ingredients, but there are some difference on the formular. According to the feedbacks we got, there are some side effects caused by the old version Fruta Planta, so the factory has update the formular and reduce the side effects and make it more safe and effective. There are also some clients complain that the Pink Fruta planta is not so strong as the old one. That is not ture. You can reach even a better effect if you can keep taking it for more than 3 months.

